Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Drive

I went on an interview in Detroit today. The 45 minute drive gave me some time to think, and to observe my fellow drivers. Every time you move to a new place, you notice the drivers. It takes some driving to get used to the new rules of the road.

I came up with some guidelines to help me.
-If the driver ahead of you is going too slow, simply tailgate them. Its not rude, its driving.
-The speed limit on most highways is 70 for cars and 60 for trucks. For all drivers, this means you can drive between 55 and 85.
-Passing on the right is also perfectly acceptable
-U Turns are acceptable, anytime.
-The Michigan left: its not uncommon to come to a two way road, that does not allow you to turn left on to the road. Most drivers take a right, make a U turn and go straight. My GPS also recommends this action as well.
-Left turn lights will be clearly marked, not only with arrows, but also with signs.

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