Sunday, November 29, 2009

Survival Tactics

I’ve just finished my third day at the new job stocking groceries. I mostly take a cart full of items to an isle, spend 45 minutes seeing if any of those items are needed and take a cart ¾ full of times back. It’s not such a bad gig.

Except for the customers.

I had noticed on my first day that everyone I worked with walked very fast. No matter what we were doing, we walked at a brisk pace. After being stopped three times after I had clocked out for break, I understood why. We are running from the customers. If you walk fast enough and look preoccupied, they can’t catch you or think that you just didn’t notice them asking for help.

I unfortunately generally look bewildered and since I don’t know where I’m going most of the time, see no reason to hurry to get there. The customers sense my weakness, and thus often pounce on me.

I wonder if there are speed walking classes.


  1. I do the same thing at the hospital. Walk fast!

  2. Too bad your co-workers see fit to avoid customers. The first priority of ANY employee in a grocery store should be customer service. Wegman's, which is based in Rochester, has the highest customer loyalty and employee satisfaction in the country, and any employee is always glad to help with a smile. In fact if you look confused, they will stop and offer to help. Maybe you can set an example at your store. Uncle G.

  3. i try to be nice, except when i've clocked out for break! then niceness goes away. But i would agree that i prefer the good customer service. The videos i watched told me to ask customers if they need help and walk them directly to the products. But my manager usually points and gives them an aisle number.
