Thursday, September 17, 2009

Techno Guilt

When I was a kid, I thought that in the future, we’d have all sorts of talking gadgets. “Hello, Refrigerator.” “Good morning Jenny, would you like some milk.” “Yes, please. Tell Microwave I said hi.”

Brian got me a GPS for my birthday. Every time I turn it on, I imaging these same conversations. “Please take me to the grocery store.” My GPS’ voice is not as friendly, and the conversation is sparse, but its still a fun little fantasy.

Unless you don’t follow the directions properly. Every time I miss a turn or overshoot an exit, my GPS says “Recalculating.”

Yesterday I went for a job interview on a road with several detours. Every time I left the directed route, my GPS chided me with a “recalculating.” Now, I know the voice tone doesn’t change, but I swear, the voice became more scornful, more annoyed and louder every time. I became anxious, I contemplated driving on the road with the construction just to avoid the voice! Every thing I did it was watching, and judging me, and criticizing me! I started apologizing to the GPS, begging it to stay calm and that I’d get back on track as soon as I could, if it would just give me a moment!

Then I remembered; there’s a mute feature.


  1. Ah yes, I recall my first experiences as a passenger when the driver ignored the voice. It sure radiated a tone of unhappiness. I was glad when our short "detour" was over and we were once again on the recommended track.

  2. I think it does get angry. It starts to speak a little sooner than it normally wouild.. "...*sigh* RECALCULATING... *ugh*"

    Seriously. I'll take maps and Google.

  3. I summarized this yesterday for my class because someone suggested that technology was totally affecting our lives. They seemed to enjoy it!
