Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I recently went to a job interview where at the end, I was asked what my hobbies are. What did I do with my free time. I froze.

So I’ve been thinking, what would I want to say? I had been thinking of ways to meet other people here, and so far I had decided that I wanted to get involved in a church, maybe join a knitting group and look into a community garden project. But how would these play out in a job interview?

Job interview question: What do you do for fun?

Answer 1: I’m very involved in my church. It’s a Unitarian church
Possible response A: Interviewers don’t know what a Unitarian is and assume I’m just a crazy religious person.
Possible response B: Interviewers know what a Unitarian is and assume I’m just a crazy person.

Answer 2: I knit
Possible response A: You might just be a young version of an old crazy lady with cats.
Possible response B: You must be very industrious, and considerably older than you appear. Also, will you make me a sweater?

Answer 3: I garden.
Possible response A: You are someone who spends their time at work wanting to leave to go outside
Possible response B: You are cool and sporty
(I made the mistake once of telling my coworkers about my upcoming backpacking trip and my beautiful garden. Everyone assumed I was sporty and outdoorsey. They never learned the truth, but it explained many of my strange interactions with them.)

I ended up saying I liked to knit.


  1. I once read that you were supposed to talk about "active hobbies" so that interviewers were impressed with your activity. I suppose knitting and gardening are far superior than "I like to play video games and want to take over the world."

  2. You could have said swrod fighing?

  3. maybe next time i'll try world domination and sword fighting.
