Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A short story

I’m going to a wedding this weekend. I’ve never been to a winter wedding, so all my usual wedding dress options are out. I had considered looking for a new dress, and then instead made the decision to wear a dress I bought a LONG time ago. It looked great on me then, and I figured it would be a coup if it still looked good on me now.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, I decided to try the dress on today so I’d have plenty of time for last minute shopping.

I discovered:
A. Putting on Spanx is a ridiculous process. If anyone has seen a YouTube video of this, send it to me, because I almost had to stop because I was laughing so hard at myself.
B. Yeah, I still look good in the dress. Damn good.


  1. I've been told (and tell everyone) that Spanx are the best thing in the world... I have never put them on though, but have gotten many crazy looks when I tell people to put them on... I have no idea how to help you out with that one! :-D But congrats on still looking awesome in the dress!
