Until I was driving up to our apartment and found them all together. I got excited, I pulled out my camera, and I took pictures.
Unfortunately, all six would not pose together
On the way to photograph the deer, I also finally got a picture of one of our woodchuck friends
He’s a little camera shy
The most exciting encounter, once again, is the overly friendly squirrel
We encountered OFS on Sunday and on Tuesday this week. On Sunday, we were leaving our apartment to run some errands. Just as we got out the door, OFS peered around the corner of our building, in a very stalker-ish fashion. Once again OFS approached us, and the faster we ran away, the faster he followed.
We got to the car and locked ourselves in. But where was OFS? We’re too kind hearted to want to run him over, but we couldn’t find him. Then we rolled down the window.
He was right next to the car! And when I stuck my hand out to take a picture, he came closer. We tried throwing food in the opposite direction, but he was only interested in us. The noise of the car horn eventually frightened him off, but we felt it was a near miss.
Today, I got home from the grocery store and had both hands full of groceries. As I approached my door, I realized that OFS was between me and the apartment, and he wanted love. He wanted contact. I dumped half my groceries on the picnic table, skirted the squirrel and bolted for the apartment. I barely missed contact with the squirrel and had to wait until he went away to get the rest of my groceries.
And my neighbors who we don’t like (who I just gave a candle to), were watching and laughing the whole time. Dang.
Northwoods is like North woods! Lots of four footed denizens. Maybe OFS will climg a tree to sleep away the winter.